Street Portrait #56  Ines & Chiara

Street Portrait #56
Ines & Chiara

What’s your name or surname ?

Ines Kringler
Chiara Aichele

What do you ride ?
Ines : MV Agusta 125 Corsa and 350 Corsa and in most cases a Vespa.
Chiara : I drive a Honda 400 Four.

What would be the motorcycle of your dreams ?
Ines : My MVs but without the usual trouble they give as they are constructions of the 60s.
Chiara : My motorcycle of dreams is a cafe racer created by myself, completely chrome.

Where do you live ?
Ines & Chiara : In Stuttgart

What is your job ?
Ines : I am a student.
Chiara : Currently I make my education as a fashion designer, work as a bartender and spend a lot of time with motorcycles and vespas.

How would you define your « riding style » ?
Ines : Classical vintage with open helmet, sunglasses and leather jacket.
Chiara : I love the oldshool motorcycle scene, so I like to dress and act like the retro scene in my style of riding.

What is your most important memory or souvenir about motorcycling ?
Ines :
Good > Giving Giacomo Agostini a little kiss on his cheek.
Bad > Finishing the race on the service truck in Montlhéry after over-revving my MV.

Chiara : My knees 😀

Who is your best riding mate ?
Ines : Chiara and my Dad
Chiara : My best riding mate is definitely Ines and my Dad. We have a lot of fun together, learning from each other and taking care.

Do you have a good motorcycling address to recommend ?
Ines : The 115 years old Solitude Racetrack just a few miles from here, where the Cafe-Racer meeting Glemseck 101 is taking place every year.
Chiara : A very nice address is the beautiful nature around Les Vans in France. There you can take great tours with the motorcycle. Also we have a cute bar here in Stuttgart, it’s called « Hillsons », it is a spot for all motorcycle lovers.

What is the best advice you have ever received about riding a motorcycle ?
Ines : Only go fast on roads you know and check for the cops on a slow first lap.
Chiara : Feel free, believe in yourself and drive with passion.

Photos : Camille

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