Street Portrait #24  Benny

Street Portrait #24

What’s your name or surname ? Benny but my riding name is Greasy Hands Sinner

What do you ride ? What would be the motorcycle of your dreams ?
I ride my dad’s BMW R100CS 1982 Cafe Racer for the long trips but I also have a Honda CB 400 F 1977 (my beloved <3) also Cafe Racer that I usually ride in town because it is smaller and easy. And a Honda XL125 1984 that I enjoy for the off road rides (lot of fun !). The motorcycle of my dreams is a Vincent any model. I think it is the most beautiful, elegant, charming machine I’ve ever seen.

Where do you live ?
I live in Italy, Rome. A beautiful chaotic town.

What is your job ?
I work with my dad in realty market but I am also a sport photographer during the week ends.

How would you define your « riding style » ?
I am a lone rider. I like to travel long distances and no matter where (everywhere is a good place). Like some speed too and my next aim will be to get sport riding lessons. I am a vintage style fan and I try to match the style of the bike I ride.

What is your most important memory or souvenir about motorcycling ?  
Thanks God I have a wonderful memory of last year trip : four months with my Butterfly (BMW) around Europe. Went to Wheels & Waves, Irish road races season, TT , Classic TT and Manx GP on Isle of Man. Met new friends, had a great time and rode at sunset on the Mountain Circuit. Just heaven !!

Who is your best riding mate ?
My best riding mate is my man. We have perfect timing and love same travelling philosophy : let’s get wherever and stop when we feel like. No plans, no road book !

Do you have a good motorcycling address to recommend ? 
I have few. The Tuscan country side is perfect for smooth n’ easy curves with stunning views. In Rome I like very much to have a bite at Mini Bistrò (Largo della Gancia 1, Roma), a little friendly place that once was a gas station, plus they are motorcycle passionate and riders are always welcome. If you have engine issues in center of Italy there is a very capable « problem solver  » with many years of experience on all engines : Alberto Palma Motorrad (Ponte San Giovanni, Perugia).

What is the best advice you have ever received about riding a motorcycle ?
If you don’t feel it, don’t do it. Nobody gave to me, I came to this point after lot of riding years.

Photos : Cam

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